Service Enquiries

Speak to the service team

Have a service question?

If you have an urgent service issue, please call the office on 1300 693 458.

Alternatively, reach out to the service team at

Or you use this simple form:

First Name: *
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Last Name: *
Fill out this field
I am an existing customer *
Select an option
Email: *
Please enter a valid email address.
Phone Number: *
Fill out this field
Address: *
Fill out this field
Suburb: *
Fill out this field
Postcode: *
Fill out this field
System type:
(Complete Home, Reverse Osmosis, Rainwater Water, Other)
Fill out this field
Service issue or enquiry:
Fill out this field

Have a service question?

If you have an urgent service issue, please call the office on 1300 693 458.

Alternatively, reach out to the service team at

Or you use this simple form:

First Name: *
Fill out this field
Last Name: *
Fill out this field
I am an existing customer *
Select an option
Email: *
Please enter a valid email address.
Phone Number: *
Fill out this field
Address: *
Fill out this field
Suburb: *
Fill out this field
Postcode: *
Fill out this field
System type:
(Complete Home, Reverse Osmosis, Rainwater, Other)
Fill out this field
Service issue or enquiry:
Fill out this field
Complete Home Filtration